The Employee Experience and how it boosts retention

If you’re looking to join The Great Retention and improve company culture, there’s only one solution: mastering the Employee Experience.
Turning “The Great Resignation” into “The Great Retention”

Don’t be one of the thousands of companies struggling with high turnover rates — make retention a top priority for 2022.
7 Tips from CFO Chris Caprio on Budgeting for HR Teams

We sat down with Focus Technology’s CFO Christopher Caprio on what he had to say about budgeting for employees in HR — here are 7 tips!
How to Set Workplace Goals in 2022

Setting long-term goals is one of the most crucial ways to keep your team aligned, especially at the beginning of a fiscal year.
How to Master Performance Management in your Hybrid Workplace

Whether they knew it or not, all managers made a critical decision with their HR departments in mid-2020. Do we commit to a holistic performance management strategy for our newly remote staff, or do we improvise and take it day-to-day until the COVID pandemic disappears? Well, hindsight is 20/20 (no pun intended) and the right […]
How to Tackle Employee Burnout

The structure of paid time off has never been in a stranger place than it’s been through 2020 and 2021. Anyone who’s kept their traditional jobs has undoubtedly wished to take a vacation over the past two years, but due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, such travel has been anywhere between inconsistent and impossible. For […]
Six Ways to Make Performance Reviews More Effective and Enjoyable

Performance reviews are an essential part of managing a workplace effectively. That said, as vital as they are, the annual performance review carries with it a weight of notoriety and dread. Employees fear comments of undeserved reproach, and managers fear the discomfort of criticizing the team that they work to build a good relationship with. […]
What Should I Say in My Performance Review?

It’s finally here – your manager is about to call you in to review your recent performance. Even if you feel that you’ve had a solid year of work, you’re likely finding yourself a bit nervous.
Weekly One-on-Ones or Annual Performance Reviews?

If you’ve spent any time researching ways to lead your team, you know how much emphasis is put on meeting with your employees individually. Developing relationships/trust, setting goals, and giving feedback are all done most effectively through personal discussions. There is some disagreement, however, over exactly what form these individual meetings should come in. The […]
How One-on-Ones Help Leaders Just as Much as Their Team

For ages, managers believed that the most efficient way to communicate with their staff was to gather them all for a weekly team meeting. That sentiment has changed; now individual one-on-one meetings are equally as important. Leaders and Managers have found that they can more efficiently and accurately help employees when meeting with them personally, […]