Seven Different Handy Acronyms for Goal Setting

When you set goals for your team, you naturally want them to remember those goals going forward and keep them at the forefront of their mind. Shouldn’t you, then, focus on making the goal-setting process memorable in itself? Enter, the acronym – the oldest trick in the book when it comes to mnemonic devices. Acronyms […]
HelloTeam – A Platform Overview

How High Fives Are Proven To Boost Productivity

High fives aren’t just a fun way to boost morale, but thanks to a UCal Berkeley study on basketball players, we know they’re also proven to measurably increase efficiency. A great culture is vital to business success – check out how important high fives can be to that culture.
How to Create an Employee Communication Strategy

Companies today experience unique challenges when it comes to communicating with their employees. Never-ending meetings and emails can often feel like overkill
Effective HR Strategies for a Competitive Advantage

Businesses today are rushing to reimagine strategies to acquire, manage, and develop teams, regardless of the company’s size and stage in development.
The Employee Experience: Mastering Engagement and Retention

2020 and 2021 have brought so much turbulence to the workplace that putting your employees first is no longer a trendy modus operandi – it’s a necessity.
The Employee Experience – An Infographic

With all the different elements to perfecting the Employee Experience and all the different ways leaders prioritize them, it can get confusing to determine where you should start. That’s why we at HelloTeam put together this infographic to help show why the Experience is crucial, who’s developing it, and how to master it.
The Employee Experience and how it boosts retention

If you’re looking to join The Great Retention and improve company culture, there’s only one solution: mastering the Employee Experience.
Turning “The Great Resignation” into “The Great Retention”

Don’t be one of the thousands of companies struggling with high turnover rates — make retention a top priority for 2022.
What is HelloTeam?

This is HelloTeam – an all-in-one employee experience platform for the modern workforce that enables everyone to collaborate and form a culture whether they work on-site or remotely.