When Employees Discuss Their Pay

One of the most classic human resources conundrums is how to handle employees discussing their wages. It can cause issues and frustration, which makes many people leaders want to prevent it from occurring. You shouldn’t forbid it (and, per the National Labor Relations Act, you can’t legally forbid pay discussion at all). Workers are actually […]
The Pros & Cons of Company-Wide Vacations

Have you ever had a company-wide vacation? No, we’re not asking if you and the rest of the team have all boarded the same plane to Italy – we’re asking if you and the team have ever taken paid time off simultaneously to recharge. Like so many other workplace evolutions of the 21st century, company-wide […]
Should Childless Employees Get Extra PTO?

Have you ever heard of that Japanese company that started an initiative to give non-smokers six extra days off of work a year to make up for all the smoking breaks that they don’t get to have throughout their workdays? Well, a similar sentiment has been floating around some companies here in the States, but […]
How Much Should You Spend on Employee Rewards?

Budgeting for rewards and culture is a sort of myth – you need to spend what you need to spend to get the most out of your people.
HelloTeam – A Platform Overview

AI on HR – Episode Two: The Right Way to Let a Worker Go

AI on HR Episode 2 has arrived! Thanks to a commented suggestion from Dennis Madigan we asked ChatGPT about the right way to let an employee go. Just look at this answer – we could probably hire this AI as a writer! (We won’t, though – our humans are even more intelligent.)
Should Your Workforce Really Be a “Family”?

“Here at _____________, we’re more than a group of coworkers, we’re a family!” Have you ever heard that from a manager at a job you’ve worked? From local pizza places to giant corporations, the “We’re all a family!” style of culture-building is one of the most popular ways to foster relationships in workplace settings. Some […]
What Are Benchmarked Surveys?

Surveys are one of the most dynamic tools on an HR expert’s utility belt, but that doesn’t mean they always reveal the full picture. Sure, asking the team what soda they want the Halloween party stocked with will certainly bring a straightforward answer. Asking how strongly employees feel recognized around the office, on the other […]
The 7 Most Vital Stats from SHRM’s 2023 Workplace Report

Before we start, I implore you, dear reader, to take a look at SHRM’s full State of the Workplace 2022-23 report – its insight, data, and trend predictions are invaluable to human resource leaders trying to get a leg up. It’s an annual report by the Society for Human Resource Management that surveys thousands of […]
Is a Four Day Week Possible?

Millions of us have been working five days a week for our entire careers, clocking in on a sleepy Monday and jetting out of the office at 4:55 pm on Friday. What if that all changed?