How Much Should You Spend on Employee Rewards?

Budgeting for rewards and culture is a sort of myth – you need to spend what you need to spend to get the most out of your people.
Should You Reward Standard Work or Extra Work?

Rewards and classical conditioning are some of the first things you learn about in psychology; giving positive reinforcement for a job well done increases someone’s motivation and positive association with that task. Years later, though, it doesn’t feel like employees in a company are as easily swayed as the experimentees we learned about in school… […]
Four Fun Ways to Recognize Your Team for Their Hard Work

How have you been trying to battle turnover in your workplace? Have you tried initiatives like extra benefits/amenities, more flexible schedules, or more generous bonuses? Those are all great places to start, but believe it or not, they’re not the main source of frustration for many employees. The #1 reason most people leave their jobs […]